We are for it. It's a green, but It can also be deadly.
“The Federal Government should continue the usage of nuclear energy.” This could be a bad thing to stop but could also be a better thing to stop. There is a lot of energy being wasted when transporting the nuclear waste created. On the other hand, this can form a better way to use energy.
Some pros are:
Nuclear power also has a lot fewer greenhouse emissions.
Nuclear power produces very inexpensive electricity.
It is estimated that with the current rate of consumption of uranium, we have enough uranium for another 70-80 years.
It is more compelling and more proficient than other energy sources.
If we know how to control atomic fusion, the same reactions that fuel the sun, we can have almost unlimited energy.
Can run under any climate change and/or temperature
Makes the income of delivering power low.
There is no negative impact on water, land or any territories.
Some cons are:
The process of mining and refining uranium hasn’t been a clean process.
Transporting nuclear fuel to and from plants represents a pollution hazard.
Once the fuel is used, you can’t simply take it to the landfill, it’s radioactive and dangerous.
A nuclear power plant creates 20 metric tons of nuclear fuel per year, and with that comes a lot of nuclear waste.
It can also cause damage to living things in and around the plants.
The radioactive waste produced can potentially cause serious health effects on the lives of people as well as the environment.
Nuclear energy is used to make weapons.
If these weapons go into the wrong hands, that could be the end of this world.