We are against it. Can we keep our country American?

America is a country of freedom. It is the dream for many to be here. But when these people come, they do not change their own ways. They bring in trouble and corruption. Mass immigration will also change out country. It will not be the same country that was based on freedom. There are many who come in to make our country greater, but there are far more who just come to get away from their own countries which they ruined. When they come here, they do the same thing that caused their original countries to fall.
Out country started off strong. Its foundation was the concept of freedom. Everyone has a different opinion about how to handle issues. The court system was made so we could settle these disagreements calmly. When violence becomes part of the mess it only makes things worse. The groups of people who come in at mass tend to want to solve thing physically. If the people coming into the U. S. are willing to become citizens, and to bring value to our nation, we would be glad to have them.